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Exsel Design & Integration, precision engineering across Air, Land and Sea.

UK MOD © Crown Copyright 2024


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Exsel Design & Integration's precision engineering capability includes the innovative design and build, certification and installation of electromechanical, electronic and communication systems into mobile platforms and container based solutions for rapid deployment and severe environment applications.

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Exsel Design & Integration is the official 'sole' representative and approved agent for ND Defense's complete range of vehicles and parts in the UK, across all European regions, and West Africa.


Our fully trained team covers sales, servicing, parts supply (legacy and new vehicles), and through life, vehicle field Service support for all ND Defense* formerly Navistar Defense vehicles.


*ND Defense delivers innovative vehicles and life cycle support solutions and offers a broad range of new platforms and procurement options to meet the needs of today’s military. 

Exsel Design & Integration is able to either undertake a classic Build to Print service, using customer supplied drawings, or work with clients to provide the complete engineering Design and Development process to lead into a Manufacture and Test programme.

Build to print and contract manufactur

Exsel Design & Integration provides bespoke wheeled and tracked vehicle and trailer modification solutions for specialist users and unique requirements for Defence, Government and Civilian application.

Exsel Design & Integration specialises in the production of electromechanical and electronic assembly work particularly in the ruggedisation of commercial standard equipment for extreme operating environments.

Equipment Ruggedisation
Manufacture & Fabricate

With over 50 years' experience of specialist UK product manufacturing, Exsel Design & Integeration is well-regarded with a pedigree of delivery and quality in product and services and is a strong and reliable business partner.

The team at Exsel Design & Integration are well placed with both experience and infrastructure to undertake CBRN detection and containment solutions across the globe and for military, Government and civilian clients.

Build to print and contract manufactur
Manufacture & Fabricate

Exsel Design & Integration manufactures cables 'in-house' for projects, including complex harness designs using military connectors, requiring hand-lay of multi-way looms.

Specialist Container Systems

Exsel Design & Integration design and supply containers and shelters for a wide range of demanding applications.  Bespoke solutions are tailored exactly to client requirements and delivered by a team with a wealth of experience, capability and engineering excellence.

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